In the Fall of 2016 (and later in 2017), I taught AEM 313 Aerodynamics I.
Objectives: Introduction to subsonic aerodynamics, including properties of the atmosphere; aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils, wings, and other components; lift and drag phenomena; and topics of current interest.
Required Book: Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, John Anderson, McGraw-Hill, 5th ed, 2010
We will cover subsonic and transonic topics in the textbook. Selected topics and sources supplement the text.
- Conservation Equations
- Similarity Parameters
- Flow Kinematics
- Euler and Bernoulli Equation
- Velocity Potential and Stream Function
- Elementary Potential Flows
- Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers
- Airfoil and Wing Geometry
- Thin Airfoil Theory
- Lifting Line Theory (Example: Lesson16-PrandtlLiftingLine)
- Lift, Drag and Pitching Moment
- Low-Re and High-Alpha Effects
- Subsonic Compressible Flow
- Transonic and Supercritical Airfoils
- Aircraft Aerodynamic Design Project (MemoAEM313Project)
Student Evaluations (Fall 2016): 16C Charles O’Neill (AEM 313-001 Aerodynamics)