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Work of Art?

What is a work of art? Can engineers create works of art? Or are creative works of art solely seen in performance arts?

This is the question under consideration in this post. Let us review some images.

"Hughes H-1 Racer Replica Oshkosh 2003" by FlugKerl2 - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Hughes H-1 Racer

"HughesH1RacerTailTip" by 350z33 (talk) - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Hughes H-1 Racer Tail

"North American F86-01". Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -


It seems that engineers don’t need to join a performance art troupe to create works of art.

Rapid Analysis of a Reverse-Engineered Aircraft

Full memo: AEM495-2014-M02-revA

This post concerns a reverse engineered CAD model of the Cessna Citation 2. The objective of this memo is to provide a quick evaluation of the model with respect to the aerodynamics.

The model was supplied in a .STEP format by It should be noted that the loft geometry presented is not an official Cessna geometry; the geometry was solely determined by reverse engineering. The as-supplied model required moderate loft-cleanup and surface trimming with CATIA. The cleaned model is illustrated in Figure 1. The forward hatch area was particularly difficult as the original model attempted to represent the hatch gaps with a tangential double fillet.


Figure 1: Citation CAD model (full aircraft)

A significant loft issue in the canopy area was spotted with zebra lighting (see Figure 2) at the intersection of the cylindrical fuselage and the complex canopy surface. From the zebra lighting, this region does not appear to be either tangentially or curvature constrained. This canopy loft issue will appear as a local accelerated flow region with detrimental downstream separation. A comparison with the actual Citation surface reveals that the current CAD model poorly represents reality.


Cp Contours: Mach 0.80, AOA 0

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Death of a Pilot

Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than the sea, it is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity or neglect.   

   —Captain A. G. Lamplugh

If you live in the aviation world, death will eventually touch you. The emotional side says “He? Who is next? Me?” The technical side says “Why? How can I learn from this?” Both side can haunt or be buried.

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Hoerner’s Fluid Dynamic Drag and Lift

Dr. Sighard Hoerner’s Fluid Dynamic Drag and Fluid Dynamic Lift are classic references in aerospace engineering and fluid dynamics. These books are wonderful for rapid design and analysis work; I adore and treasure my copies. I have received multiple requests for information on purchasing. 

As of 2022, the Hoerner family sells the Drag book at: You can also reach them via email at:

As of 2024, the official source of these books is unknown.

The Lift book is unfortunately not available except on the used-market. But, you should still get it.

Please be aware that the books remain under copyright until 2045. These are worth the price to have your own copies.

The book details are:

Lift ISBN: 978-9998831636

Drag ISBN: 978-9991194448

Hydraulic Jump at Lake Tuscaloosa

Recently, Tuscaloosa received a sustained storm with significant rainfall. The video shows a hydraulic jump (shock) at Lake Tuscaloosa’s spillway (channel flow).

The depth ratio is relatively small. We can compute the Froude number (and the velocity) based on this ratio of depth before and after the jump.
$$\frac{y_2}{y_1} = \frac{-1}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{1+8 Fr_1^2}}{2}$$
For a 10 foot depth before the jump and a 11 foot depth after (generous), the Froude number \(Fr = \frac{v_1}{\sqrt{g y_1}} \) is approximately 1.1. This gives a pre-jump velocity of 20 ft/s. Reasonable based on my video.

L Squared Error for a Fourier Sine Series

How close is my Fourier Sine series to a function f(x)?

Answer: \( L_2(N) = -\frac{1}{2} a_n^2 + \int_\Omega f^2(x) dx \)

This question came up recently while discussing PDE (partial differential equations) solution techniques. The final result is quite interesting.

Our sine series approximates the function f(x) over the domain \(\Omega\) as $$f(x) \approx \sum {{a_n}\sin (n \pi x)}$$ You can determine the coefficients with the formula. $$ a_n = 2\int_\Omega f(x) \sin(n \pi x) dx$$
One good measure of the error between the sine series and the function is the \(L_2\), pronounced “el squared”, error. $$ L_2 =\int_{\Omega} \left( u(x) – f(x) \right)^2 dx $$
Substitute for the sine series to obtain. $$ L_2 = \int_{\Omega} \left({{a_n}sin (n \pi x)}- f(x) \right)^2 dx $$
Expand the terms to obtain $$ L_2 = \int_{\Omega} a_n^2 \sin^2(n \pi x) dx  -2\int_{\Omega} a_n f(x) \sin(n \pi x) dx + \int_{\Omega} f^2(x) dx $$

Now, these integrals are particularly interesting. The first integral is a constant \(0.5 a_n^2\). The second contains the definition of \(a_n\). The third only contains the function \(f^2(x)\). This simplifies to $$L_2(N) = -\frac{1}{2} a_n^2 +\int_\Omega f^2(x) dx$$

Interestingly, if we let the error become zero, the following is an identity $$ a_n^2 = 2 \int_\Omega f^2(x) dx$$ Knowledge of this identity will allow you to quickly compute integrals of squared trig functions.

Neat! Do you have any interesting Fourier results? Let me know in the comments.

Aero-engineer: Off the ground

How can I get my aerospace engineering interest off the ground?

Recently, a mechanical engineering student asked this question in response to an advertisement at He wants to make a career shift right out of undergraduate engineering school. This student needs to become proficient in aircraft design in 2 years. He must formulate a plan and stick to it religiously.

Time and Money: Your time is far more valuable than you think. Since the timeline is 2 years, you must obtain the fundamentals fast; your training will be steep and expensive. Your competitors may have spent the last 10 years studying, building, flying and discussing aircraft. Their experiences will initially help them find better solutions faster. Your primary advantage is dedication and more efficient learning. If you can trade money for time, take it.

Reference Books: You must understand and recall considerable technical information. The fundamentals are contained in textbooks and reference books. You don’t need to buy the newest editions. Solve the problems. Start with these:

  1. Funamentals of Aerodynamics, Anderson
  2. Hoerners Lift and Drag
  3. Theory of Wing Sections, Abott and von Doenhoff
  4. Aircraft Design, Raymer
  5. Any flight dynamics book by Roskam
  6. Boundary Layer Theory, Schlichting (older/used editions are ok)

For a quick high-level overview of an entire aircraft, study the Modern Fighting Aircraft line of books (example: MFA: Falcon and MFA: A-10)

Technical Journals: The aerospace journals contain practical and theoretical design cases. Set aside a couple of hours per week to systematically read journals. Look up the unfamiliar concepts in an aerodynamics book (e.g. Anderson). Start with these journals:

  1. AIAA Journal of Aircraft (ISSN 1533-3868, FREE e-copy at UA library)
  2. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
  3. AIAA Journal

Computer Programming: While not strictly aerospace engineering, proficiency at programming is necessary for analysis and visualization. You should be comfortable with Fortran and C for high performance computing. A scripting and plotting language such as Matlab, Python, Clojure, etc. is useful. If starting from scratch, try something like Think Python, HTDP or even SICP. For technical computing, try Numerical Recipes or NM (Hamming).

Projects: Work on projects continuously. Write-up your projects and publish the results on your professional blog.

Naturally, accepting a position in a design lab would accelerate this process.

Structure and Interpretation of Surface Flows

J Green 1969

 In the wind tunnel and production CFD environments, visualization of the fully 3D flow is a luxury rarely granted. For wind tunnels, even a 2D surface flow visualization is an expensive, messy, and incomplete tool. Learning to interpret and mentally visualize the flow structure is a critical skill.

So, in the spirit of a great book, SICP, the following documents from ONERA provide a wonderful explanation of the Structure and Interpretation of Surface Flows. After reading through these, you should be able to mentally visualize the 3D flow corresponding to the above image.

Document (5 parts):


Divergent Trailing Edge

“Why does a divergent trailing edge airfoil work? Wouldn’t this increase drag?” A colleague recently asked this question. Good question!

Divergent Trailing Edge Airfoil (Image from Patent US4858852 Fig.2)

First, we need understand the philosophy of use (application) for this type of airfoil: high subsonic and transonic aircraft designed for low drag about a specified lift coefficient: think long-range transport aircraft from the Boeing or Airbus families. Traditionally (since the 1960s), this application was served by supercritical airfoils such as the NASA SC(2) family.

Here’s a quick discussion of three major reasons the concept works.

  • The divergent angles allows for an optimized lower-surface trailing-edge cusp to fill out the pressure profile without cusp separation bubbles. Result: lower Cd
  •  The divergent trailing edge tends to decrease the blunt trailing edge pressure. This decrease tends to promote less upper-surface boundary layer separation. Result: better Cdc, likely less AC shift
  • The mid-chord (say 60% to 80% chord) tends to be significantly thicker. This allows for more flexibility in flap geometry. Result: better low speed performance

McDonnell Douglas Aircraft patented this in 1989: Patent US4858852

Auscio Project

Auscio Project
Charles O’Neill
The financial panic of 2008 led to an interest in the relationship between metal prices and the US dollar. As a project, I created a free tracking program for Windows.

This was an interesting project as it was my first exposure to Windows graphical programs. In particular, it required several modules:

  1. Gather prices from the web
  2. Store limit prices
  3. Timers
  4. Graphical Windows Buttons, Data Fields, etc
  5. Playing Sounds
I did all of this in 7.7 MB with the scheme programming language.
Update: As of 2019, this project is no longer operating.