Project Review: Airfoil Aerodynamics System Identification

Aerodynamic System Identification
Charles O’Neill
December 2004

This project investigates aerodynamic system identification. An airfoil produces time varying loads based on the current and past boundary conditions; this project seeks to identify the lift loads resulting from pitch motion.
The first part discusses some unsteady aerodynamic theory. The second part discusses the identification process. The final part discusses conclusions and observations.

A Box-Jenkins model successfully modeled the lowand moderate airfoil reduced frequencies, but was  troublesome at higher frequencies. Interestingly, the Theodorsen theory qualitatively matches the CFD results except above approximately a reduced frequency of unity. The moderate frequency lift deficiency predicted by Theodorsen was found in the CFD solution and the Box-Jenkins model. Interestingly, as the high frequencies were resolved, the system appears more distributed. The final Box-Jenkins model accurately predicted the forces resulting from a validation input signal.

Bode Frequency Response of Data and Box-Jenkins Model

The project document is at sifinal.pdf.

Project Review: Nonlinear Delta Wing Analysis and Control

Numerical Single-Degree-of-Freedom Analysis and Control of an 80
Degree Delta Wing with an Analytical Roll Moment Model
Charles O’Neill
December 2003

This project surveys nonlinear analysis and control methods for a specific two-degree-of-freedom analytical delta wing model. Linearization, phase plane analysis and existence theorems are used to describe the overall system behavior without solving the differential equations. A describing function is developed for the nonlinear system and favorably compares to the actual limit cycle amplitudes and frequencies. Linear pole placement and Ricatti control methods and nonlinear sliding mode and Lyapunov control laws are developed for stabilization and tracking.

Sliding Mode Control Schematic

See the full project at wingrock.pdf